For over 40 years, AEW has been invested in helping clients achieve their long-term objectives.
AEW Begins Managing Core and Value-added Separate Accounts

AEW was founded in 1981 by Peter Aldrich (right front), Tom Eastman (at left) and Mark Waltch (center). With their vast knowledge and deep roots in Boston, these leaders, along with others still at AEW today, began managing core and value-added separate accounts.
Launches AEW Partners Funds

As a pioneer in the development of opportunistic strategies, AEW also becomes a pioneer in the creation of commingled real estate products launching the first in its long series of real estate opportunity funds in 1988.
AEW Begins Managing U.S. REITs

Utilizing its deep expertise developed in the private real estate markets, AEW begins managing investments in the emerging public REIT market becoming one of the first dedicated investment advisors in the asset class.
AEW Created in Europe

AEW created in Europe with establishment of the Paris office.
AEW Begins Investing in U.S. Senior Housing

AEW begins investing in the emerging asset class of senior housing, developing a strong track record and expertise in a property type expected to see significant growth.
AEW Opens an Office in London

AEW creates European private equity real estate platform with opening of London office.
Launches AEW European Logistics Fund

AEW launches a European logistics platform with a portfolio of Grade A logistics parks in key locations across the main logistics hubs in Continental Europe.
AEW Begins Managing Global REITs

AEW expands its public REIT platform by adding portfolio management teams in Europe and Asia to provide exposure to REIT investments across the globe.
AEW Expands Into Asia Pacific

AEW expands into Asia Pacific opening its first office in Singapore.
Launches U.S. Open-End Core Property Fund

AEW launches its open-end, core fund investing in best-in-class assets in liquid, first-tier markets.
AEW Opens Office in Hong Kong

AEW expands its global platform to Hong Kong.
AEW Creates Debt Platform in Europe

European senior debt funds invest in senior real estate loans supported by core office, retail and logistics assets located in key European markets.
Celebrates 35 Years of Service Excellence
AEW celebrates 35-years of service excellence and of being its clients’ most trusted advisor.
AEW Opens Offices in Sydney and Madrid

AEW opens offices in Sydney and Madrid to expand platforms in Australia and Spain.
AEW Opens Office in Tokyo

AEW opens an office in Tokyo to expand its global platform to Japan.
AEW Opens Office in Denver

AEW opens an office in the heart of Denver, Colorado.